Society of Swedish Literature

The Society of Swedish Literature in Finland (SLS) is a scholarly society for the preservation and dissemination of knowledge about Finland-Swedish culture. Established in 1885, SLS publishes scholarly literature, maintains archives and libraries, funds research, literary awards and scholarly prizes, and gives grants for scholars. SLS Endowment is one of the largest private funds for the benefit of the public in Finland.

Werklig re-created the SLS’s graphic profile and built new communication guidelines by matching their history with a new era. The identity work included restoring the society’s’ historically established wreath symbol and creating a graphic system inspired by literary characteristics. Typography and colour palette emerged from exciting shapes and archive material together with SLS renewed premises, made by Koko 3.

Society of Swedish Literature


Packaging and publications


Archive Material

Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland

Interior Images

Koko 3