EMMA Victor Vasarely
Victor Vasarely’s “Optical Paintings” was the main 2014 autumn exhibition at EMMA Espoo Museum of Modern Art. For the exhibit we created a visual identity that was deviant from tradition and gave the experience of optical art in itself.
The visual solution was simple yet recognizable and compatible with the media environment of today: the identity was easy to apply to multiple media ranging from print and television to outdoor advertising and social media.

The identity assisted EMMA to take their first steps in social media marketing, where the suitability and recognizability of the visual expression played a big part. The strong visual identity was easy to notice in the street view and media.
As a result in November 2014 EMMA reached the highest number of visitors since March 2011. The amount of visitors surpassed the monthly average goal already in October. In social media the amount of followers on EMMA channels rose steeply immediately after the exhibition was opened.