Inflection points are inevitable. Solve those big shifts with strategic and creative brand management.

It's inevitable

Every business and organization comes to a turning point. Always. Starting up, splitting up, merging, restructuring, switching, pivoting, listing... These wild shifts or unnerving inflection points are in fact compelling investment opportunities in a glorious future. It’s a point where the ideas of what to do next are dreamed up, cultivated and bet on. Invested on. By means of money, high hopes, human hours, career ambitions, even national pride. The point is that stakes are high and it could go terribly right, or it could go terribly wrong.

Strategic brand management enters the room

How do we forge a shining future from the electrifying, potentially terrifying point we are pausing at? Well, there is a method to the madness, and by the way, words do matter. Half-articulated thoughts are not really cutting it when a ship needs to turn or even get out of the harbor. Sharp, clear expression of what we are, what we do and why, is required with anything requiring coordinated human effort. A good idea of how, would be useful too. Also setting a goal that can be measured by more than the word count of a sentence nobody can understand, let alone remember. (Werklig is openly lofty-mission-statement-exclusionary.) Finally, the expression needs to extend beyond the inner walls of the said ship. With a big communal never-ending heave, “the ship” needs to become recognized as something valuable and acutely desired, by those, who we attempt to serve.

A sum of all expressions = how we are recognized = a brand (Credit to Interbrand for a powerful definition.)

Luckily, we have the tools for defining the expressions, the words, the visuals, the lot. All the things that make you recognized, and the mother of all brands. Frameworks and such. Mix in some magical synergy we bring with a team of strategic and creative minds – who will get under your skin and beat you into shape. A unique extraordinary shape.

The formula for success... getting noticed, becoming desirable and totally invaluable

So. A brand is the sum of all your expressions, interactions and communications. In the picture we are trying to paint here, those expressions make you stand out. In a substantially more desirable way than your competitors. The simple formula to have this kind of setup: refocus, cut through noise and command presence.

  1. Refocus:
    Here we crystallize what you are, what you do and for who (= positioning). How you always behave and do stuff (= values). What’s your next massive scary goal, but measurable (= ambition). And why do you actually exist on this planet (= purpose). So, everyone in your organization knows what on earth they are doing and why. This is articulation and word-smithing like you’ve never known it.
  2. Cut through noise:
    Here we turn the above-mentioned and achieved laser-sharp clarity into a verbal and visual language that will mesmerize your audiences. So you will turn heads and ears. Of those who matter.
  3. Command a presence:
    All above packaged into a total definitive toolkit for creating a continuous stream of the right kind, your kind, of expressions. Keeping the attention of those precious people that are made for you and who you are made for. Forever, or until the next crazy shift.

To sustain our own desirability, we hereby reveal our secret weapons for building the kind of track record even gods would envy. Here it goes, Werklig's skillset: the art of human understanding, made once made well and palpable storytelling.

In the end, you must take the bull by its horns

If made once and well, your brand-new brand, along with the tools we give you, helps you generate and handle the growth and reap the benefits of the brilliant brand work we've done together. And you know where we are, if you need another pair of hands to hold onto the horns, or when the next shift is about to start.

Solving big shifts with strategic (and creative) brand management


Brand strategy

